Monday, September 5, 2011

Is it Cheating or Trying?

Coaches and athletes are always trying to get an edge on the competition.

That "edge" is what drives us to work harder and smarter than the next guy. However, there are rules that govern our actions.

With the recent steroid era (hopefully) coming to an end, we saw how the line of competition had gotten blurred, then moved and then totally disregarded. All in an attempt to gain an edge on the competition.

The video below shows a pick off move to first base that is called the "balk move".

Coaches teach this move to players because they are trying to gain an edge on the competition. 

Base runners usually key on the pitcher's heels. If they see the front heel move they break for second...If they see the back heel move they get back to first.

Please comment with your thoughts on this move and the idea of pushing the edge of the envelope of fair competition.



  1. Cheating. Another question is why aren't the umps calling it? If it is against the rules, then they should call it.

  2. I agree Chad. If umpires would call this more often they would keep level headed coaches like you and me from having to argue so much!!! It's bad for our reputations.
